
Boosting rental supply in NSW

Supporting the NSW Government's commitment to deliver more secure and affordable homes, we are leading build-to-rent programs for renters in regional NSW and essential workers in metropolitan Sydney.

Build-to-rent housing is designed and built to provide long-term rental homes, typically in the form of apartments which provide people with secure tenure and stable rents.

The build-to-rent projects in the South Coast and Northern Rivers will increase the supply of rental housing in two regional areas where people are feeling the stresses of rising rents and limited housing availability.

Through a $450 million investment from the NSW Government, we will also deliver more than 400 build-to-rent homes across metropolitan Sydney for essential workers to rent at a discount to market rent, closer to their jobs and services. The first project site secured is in Camperdown, with investigations into additional sites underway.

Video Bomaderry

Build-to-rent projects

South Coast project

We are delivering 60 build-to-rent apartments in Bomaderry, north of Nowra, that will provide future renters with easy access to transport and other amenities.

Bomaderry Build to rent project (April 2024 render) - northwest view from Bolong Road
Northern Rivers project

We are delivering around 50 build-to-rent apartments in East Lismore, close to shops, education, open space and other community infrastructure. 

BTR East Lismore Artists impression Military Road looking east reduced
Camperdown project

We are delivering at least 200 build-to-rent units for essential workers in Camperdown as part of a well-located mixed-use development with around 500 homes for renters and buyers.

Camperdown BTR mixed use render January 2025


Build-to-rent is purpose-built housing designed for rent, rather than sale. It is designed and built specifically for long-term renters to provide secure housing, typically in the form of apartments.

In Australia, build-to-rent is predominantly owned, managed, and operated by institutional investors as long-term assets, with revenue generated through the lease of the dwellings over time.

Housing affordability and availability is one of the biggest pressures facing NSW residents. The NSW Government is investing in the delivery of secure housing assets to boost supply in key regional areas with economies impacted by low housing availability. 

The pilot projects will evolve into a program funded by the NSW Government to secure homes for hard-working people in regional areas experiencing housing stress. The program is founded on the principle of recouping costs and returning a profit over time to reinvest into more housing.

Housing affordability and availability is one of the biggest pressures facing NSW residents. More than one-third of households renting in regional NSW are experiencing rental stress, leaving a large portion of the population vulnerable to changes in interest rates, wages and rental prices.

While build-to-rent is very common in European and North American cities, it is only just taking hold in Australian cities. However, investors have not yet ventured into regional areas, which is why the NSW Government is backing build-to-rent in regional NSW. 

The two pilot projects at Bomaderry and East Lismore will deliver rental supply into regional housing markets and increase affordability in areas feeling the combined stresses of rising rents and lack of housing availability.

As a NSW Government owned development organisation, Landcom is well suited to coordinate planning, approvals and construction of these projects. The NSW Government is funding development and will retain ownership of the housing, which will be managed by a suitable government agency or a community housing provider. 

Housing affordability and availability is the biggest single pressure facing NSW residents, with mortgage payments or rent the largest expense for most households, particularly for essential workers.

Essential workers like nurses, paramedics, teachers, police officers and firefighters provide invaluable services to people across NSW. Without them, NSW would grind to a halt, but many are being priced out of the market and can’t afford to live near their jobs.

Through a $450 million investment from the NSW Government, Landcom will deliver more than 400 build-to-rent homes for essential workers to rent at a discount to market rent in Sydney, closer to their jobs and services. The first project site secured is in Camperdown, with investigations into additional sites underway.

As a NSW Government owned development organisation, Landcom is well suited to coordinate planning, approvals and construction of these projects. The NSW Government will retain ownership of the housing, which will be managed by a suitable operator or a community housing provider. 

The build-to-rent projects in the South Coast and Northern Rivers regions are pilot projects to provide long-term rental housing in regional areas impacted by low housing supply and/or low rental vacancy rates. Landcom is seeking to deliver a sustainable and replicable build-to-rent model that could support the rollout of more regional build-to-rent projects in the future.

The NSW Government has invested $450 million into Landcom to deliver more than 400 build-to-rent homes for essential workers to rent at a discount to market rent in Sydney, closer to their jobs and services. The first project site secured is in Camperdown, providing at least 200 build-to-rent homes for essential workers, with investigations into other sites underway.

The build-to-rent properties will be retained by the NSW Government. The properties and tenancies will be managed by a suitable operator or community housing provider, with details made available closer to project completion.  

Yes. At our Bomaderry and East Lismore projects, 20% of homes will be affordable rental housing. Our Camperdown project will feature a mix of affordable rental housing, housing to buy and build-to-rent apartments offered to essential workers at a discount to market rent.

Affordable rental housing caters to people on very low to moderate incomes. Rent is priced so tenants can afford other basic living costs such as food, clothing, transport, medical care and education. Affordable housing differs from social housing in that it is usually managed by a non-government organisation, like a private rental with eligibility criteria.

The NSW Government will retain ownership of the build-to-rent properties, which will be managed by a suitable operator or community housing provider. Details will be made available closer to project completion. 

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