Welcome to Wentworth Point

A thriving and highly liveable waterfront neighbourhood

Updated: March 2025

Park and access road construction

In September 2024 we resumed construction to deliver the headland park and access road. Work hours are 7am-6pm Monday to Friday, and 8am-4pm Saturdays.

Subject to weather and approvals, construction of the access road is expected to finish in late 2025 and construction of the park should finish in mid-2026.

More information is available in our FAQs below.

Mixed-use development

In December 2024 we submitted updated plans to the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure to guide future development at 9 Burroway Road into a well-designed mixed-use neighbourhood. 

The Department publicly exhibited the application between 31 January and 27 February 2025. 

To learn more about our plans and past community consultation, visit our Join In page.

The mixed-use site is expected to be sold in 2025. The future landowner will need to get a separate development application approved before construction begins.

The project

Landcom is working with Transport for NSW (the landowner) to transform the northeastern part of the Wentworth Point peninsula with new homes and a park linked to schools, community facilities, shops and the Parramatta River waterfront.

The Wentworth Point project will complement the surrounding waterfront neighbourhood, which is bounded by the river, Homebush Bay and Sydney Olympic Parklands.

Oct 2024 update WWP concept mixed use aerial reduced

Artist's impression, subject to change and approvals


13km west of Sydney and 7km east of Parramatta, adjacent to Homebush Bay, the Parramatta River and Sydney Olympic Parklands

Local council area

City of Parramatta Council

Project area

Around 6.68 hectares, including around four hectares open space

New homes and shops

We have updated plans to guide future development of part of the Wentworth Point peninsula into a well-designed mixed-use neighbourhood. 

Key features of the mixed-use design concept for 9 Burroway Road include: 

  • a smaller footprint to previously approved mixed-use development, to make room for the new high school
  • two nine-storey buildings with around 412 apartments (reduced from 520), including around 15% affordable rental housing for people on very low to moderate incomes
  • shops, a shopping plaza and pedestrian laneway to provide spaces for people to dine, shop and relax
  • a 25m wide waterfront walkway connecting the headland park with Burroway Road, providing space for people to meet, relax and exercise
  • parking for 504 vehicles and lockers for 436 bicycles.
Learn more
Oct 2024 update WWP concept mixed use view from Burroway Road reduced

Artist’s impression looking northeast from Burroway Road, with the new high school and access road on the left

Proposed housing

Around 400 homes of different sizes, with around 15% affordable rental housing

Proposed retail

Around 2,500m²


  • Park and shared open space construction anticipated to finish, pending approvals and weather
  • Mixed-use State Significant Development Application public exhibition (31 January to 17 February 2025)
  • Wentworth Point High School opens in Term 1 (February 2025)
  • Mixed-use development land to be sold through competitive tender process
  • Park construction continues 
  • Access road construction anticipated to finish (end 2025)
  • Saltmarsh restoration begins (March 2024)
  • Modification to existing controls approved, enabling major works at the park to move forward (May 2024)
  • Community consultation on updated mixed-use development plans (August to September 2024)
  • Major works resume for park, access road and supporting infrastructure (September 2024)
  • Mixed-use concept State Significant Development Application submitted (December 2024)
  • Site remediation and initial earthworks completed
  • Landcom partners with landowner Transport for NSW to update site planning controls, deliver park and mixed-use development
  • Application submitted to modify existing development approval to adjust site layout to accommodate new high school and support delivery of park and shared open space
  • Start of new high school construction (delivered by School Infrastructure NSW)
  • Early works completed
  • New high school announced, requiring update of site layout and planning controls
  • Early works begin
  • Wentworth Point Public School opens (delivered by School Infrastructure NSW)
  • Project site rezoned for a park, primary school, mixed-use development and an access road


Wentworth Point

Landcom is working with landowner Transport for NSW to transform the northeastern part of the Wentworth Point peninsula with new homes and a park linked to schools, shops, public transport and the waterfront.

In 2014, the NSW Government rezoned industrial land at Wentworth Point (3-9 Burroway Road) for a new park, access road, mixed-use development and primary school.

In late 2020, the NSW Government announced that a new high school will be constructed at Wentworth Point next to the primary school, on land previously approved for mixed-use development and parkland.

On behalf of Transport for NSW, we are:

  • managing planning and construction of the new park, access road and supporting infrastructure
  • updating controls for smaller mixed-use development to make room for the new high school
  • managing the sale of the mixed-use development land.

The below artist's impression shows the location of the smaller mixed-use development and surrounding amenities.

The headland park will be around four hectares. The park includes a playground, fitness equipment, sheltered picnic areas, a waterfront walkway, public art, an amenities building, extensive landscaping, and shared open space with Wentworth Point High School for community use outside of school hours.

As the state’s population grows, the demand for community access to infrastructure and facilities grows. Schools offer a unique opportunity to share public infrastructure and resources with the local community, driving cost efficiencies and ensuring our schools are public assets.

The shared open space is part of the headland park, with future high school students able to use the shared space during school hours, similar to shared use arrangements in place at schools across NSW.

As Wentworth Point is former industrial land and we needed to update planning controls to make room for the new high school, a lot of work is required to deliver the headland park. We are working as efficiently as possible and appreciate the community’s ongoing patience and understanding.

In May 2024, the Central Sydney Planning Panel approved our application to modify the existing development approval for the site, which enabled park construction to progress.

In September 2024 we resumed construction to deliver the headland park, access road and supporting infrastructure.

Subject to weather and approvals, construction of the access road is expected to finish in late 2025 and the park should be open in mid-2026.

As Wentworth Point is low-lying, works may pause during wet weather and then safely continue once the site is dry.

Previous works included:

  • initial site remediation to remove contaminants from the soil (2023)
  • initial earthworks to support construction (2023)
  • key restoration works of the saltmarsh at the tip of the peninsula (2024).

In September 2024 we started major works. Initial works involve demolishing concrete slabs, ground remediation and earthworks to stabilise the site. Works to follow include:

  • building a shared-use pathway for pedestrians and cyclists that links the ferry wharf with Burroway Road. A temporary pathway will be installed between the park and Burroway Road until a permanent pathway is constructed by a future landowner of the mixed-use site
  • building new seawalls, featuring different sized rocks to reduce wave erosion while helping to protect the saltmarsh and support marine life
  • building a new road to provide access to the park and future mixed-use development, and on-street parking spaces
  • installing utilities to service the park and future mixed-use development
  • installing footpaths, seating, lighting and grass
  • installing public art
  • installing play equipment and fitness equipment
  • designing and constructing an amenities building
  • landscaping, including creating garden beds and planting new trees.

Construction hours are 7am-6pm Monday to Friday, and 8am-4pm Saturdays. A site manager is on duty during these hours and their contact details are on site signage.

Measures to minimise construction impacts on neighbours include:

  • spraying water to reduce dust and stopping works during high winds
  • dust, noise and vibration monitoring
  • air monitoring for asbestos fibres – if there are safety concerns, we will stop works and notify SafeWork NSW and, as directed, notify site neighbours
  • washing down equipment onsite
  • installing controls to prevent stormwater runoff from site
  • installing temporary barriers to protect the rehabilitated saltmarsh
  • installing construction signage near site entrances on Burroway Road to safely guide road users and pedestrians
  • distributing truck movements during work hours to avoid peak hour traffic and school drop-off/pick-up times
  • ensuring construction vehicles park on site, not park on local streets
  • coordinating construction activity with School Infrastructure NSW, including provision of temporary onsite parking for school staff
  • sharing construction updates with our immediate neighbours, including Wentworth Point Public School and Wentworth Point High School.

Construction hours are 7am-6pm Monday to Friday, and 8am-4pm Saturdays. A site manager is on duty during these hours. Their contact details are on site signage and have been shared with immediate neighbours.

The saltmarsh on the northern tip of the Wentworth Point peninsula is being protected and rehabilitated, helping to preserve biodiversity, protect the riverbank, capture carbon, improve water quality, and support fisheries.

Like the rest of the site, former industrial uses have impacted this area.

Our environmental restoration program for the saltmarsh began in March 2024. Works completed to date include:

  • clearing rubbish flowing from Parramatta River 
  • installing erosion controls and temporary fencing to protect the saltmarsh during park construction
  • ongoing weed removal, targeting Spiny rush and other invasive species 
  • planting more than 15,000 saltmarsh species that are propagated from seeds and cuttings collected from the site.

We are maintaining the saltmarsh with regular rubbish and weed removal until the headland park is finished.

Yes. In 2014, the NSW Government rezoned industrial land at Wentworth Point (3-9 Burroway Road) for a new park, access road, mixed-use development and primary school. In 2020 the Government announced a high school would be built next to the primary school.

To make room for the new high school and four-hectare park, and deliver much-needed housing, we have been working to update planning controls.

In December 2024 we submitted a State Significant Development Application to the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure to guide future mixed-use development at 9 Burroway Road, in a smaller area to what was previously approved for development.

The application seeks to reduce the size of the mixed-use site, lower the height limit from 88m (around 27 storeys) to 32.5m (around nine storeys) and revise the gross floor area to 42,800m². The application includes a design concept showing how the site could be developed.

Key features of the mixed-use design concept for 9 Burroway Road include: 

  • two nine-storey buildings with around 412 apartments (reduced from 520), including around 15% affordable rental housing for people on very low to moderate incomes
  • a shopping plaza and pedestrian laneway to provide spaces for people to dine, shop and relax
  • a 25m wide waterfront walkway connecting the headland park with Burroway Road, providing space for people to meet, relax and exercise
  • parking for 504 vehicles and lockers for 436 bicycles.

The application was informed by community and stakeholder feedback, site investigations, regulatory requirements and feasibility considerations.

The Department publicly exhibited the application between 31 January and 27 February 2025. 

The mixed-use site is expected to be sold in 2025. The future landowner will need to get a separate development application approved before construction begins.

Affordable housing caters to people on lower and moderate incomes, like key workers. Rent is priced so tenants can afford other basic living costs such as food, clothing, transport, medical care and education.

Affordable housing differs from social housing in that it is usually managed by a non-government organisation. It is managed more like a private rental with eligibility criteria.

In its 2020 Housing Strategy, Parramatta City Council set a target to deliver 8,800 affordable homes by 2036. The mixed-use development at Wentworth Point includes around 15% affordable rental housing, directly supporting local need for more affordable rental options.

Yes. As part of our planning, we prepared technical studies to understand opportunities and constraints to support well-designed development. Studies included:

  • site access, traffic and parking management
  • housing needs analysis
  • social impact assessment
  • heritage assessments
  • urban design
  • landscape design
  • civil engineering
  • environmental assessments to help understand and manage potential impacts relating to ground conditions, views, amenity and noise, and biodiversity.

We also consulted Council, government agencies and other stakeholders, and invited community feedback, to understand and minimise impacts of proposed development on local roads, infrastructure, services and the surrounding neighbourhood.

We will keep the community and stakeholders informed throughout the planning process.

School Infrastructure NSW (SINSW) is delivering Wentworth Point High School. 

Phase 1 works are complete and the school opens in Term 1 2025. SINSW is carrying out Phase 2 works to deliver a multipurpose hall, outdoor sports courts and landscaping. 

We are coordinating park construction with SINSW to minimise impacts.  

To learn more about high school construction, visit SINSW's project webpage or contact SINSW:  

Email: schoolinfrastructure@det.nsw.edu.au

Phone: 1300 482 651

To learn more about Wentworth Point High School, visit the school's webpage

More information

For further information please contact:

1800 328 956


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If you require the services of an interpreter, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask them to call Landcom on 1800 328 956. The interpreter will then assist you with the translation.


Document Download
Project newsletter (February 2025)
Project newsletter (October 2024)
Community Information Session boards (August 2024)
Project e-newsletter (August 2024)
View more

About Landcom

We develop land and property, increasing the supply of housing for the people of NSW.

As a state-owned corporation, we are a commercial business that achieves public outcomes while also generating financial returns for the NSW Government. We enable development by de-risking and unlocking strategic and complex sites in collaboration with landowners and the market.

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