Welcome to Wentworth Point

A thriving and highly liveable waterfront neighbourhood

Current as at: July 2024

Park construction

Wentworth Point is a former industrial site which has presented complex challenges, including remediating and capping around two hectares of contaminated land, rebuilding the seawall, and major underground electrical cabling. These works, in addition to seeking approval for necessary changes to project plans, have impacted the delivery of the park and mixed-use development on site.

Works in 2023 included site remediation and initial earthworks. 

In March 2024 we commenced our Saltmarsh restoration program. We also received approval from the Central Sydney Planning Panel to modify the existing development approval, enabling works on the peninsula park and shared open space to move forward. 

In June 2024 we planted 15,000 Saltmarsh plants to support their survival as an endangered ecological community. The Saltmarsh regeneration will preserve biodiversity, protect the riverbank, sequester carbon, improve water quality, and support fisheries.

Timing for the park construction is subject to government and statutory planning approvals. The community will be kept up to date as planning progresses. The latest media release issued by the Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning, and the Minister for Planning can be read here.


We apologise for the additional delay and are working to deliver the new park as efficiently as possible. We greatly appreciate the community’s ongoing patience and understanding.

The project

Landcom is working together with Transport for NSW (the landowner) to transform the northeastern part of the Wentworth Point peninsula with new homes and a park linked to schools, community facilities, shops and the Parramatta River waterfront.

The Wentworth Point project will complement the surrounding waterfront neighbourhood, which is bounded by the river, Homebush Bay and Sydney Olympic Parklands.

We delivered the first stages of remediation and earthworks for a new peninsula park at Wentworth Point in mid-2020.

In late 2020, the NSW Government announced that a new high school will also be constructed at Wentworth Point, with a portion of the project site next to the existing primary school to be used for the new high school.

Wentworth Point construction aerial mid Jan 2023

13km west of Sydney and 7km east of Parramatta, adjacent to Homebush Bay, the Parramatta River and Sydney Olympic Parklands

Local council area

City of Parramatta Council

Project area

Around 6.68 hectares, including around four hectares open space

On behalf of Transport for NSW, we are managing the:

  • planning and construction of the park, which resumed in September 2022
  • update of the Wentworth Point masterplan and related planning controls, required to accommodate the new high school and shared open space, alongside the approved park and mixed-use development land
  • future sale of the mixed-use development land, with the height, design, size and number of apartments included in future development subject to approvals.
Wentworth Point construction aerial mid Jan 2023 2


Wentworth Point

Landcom and Transport for NSW are partnering to deliver Wentworth Point. 

On behalf of Transport for NSW (the landowner), we are managing the: 

  • planning and construction of the park, which resumed in September 2022 
  • update of the Wentworth Point masterplan and related planning controls, required to accommodate the new high school and shared open space, alongside the approved park and mixed-use development land 
  • sale of the mixed-use development land, with the height, design, size and number of apartments included in future development subject to approvals.

Around four hectares of open space will be delivered for the Wentworth Point community, including a playground and amenities, promenade and shared open space with the new high school for use outside of school hours. 

The NSW Government has delivered shared recreation facilities in other neighbourhoods, particularly in built-up areas where space is limited. This shared model optimises use of government-owned land on weekends and outside of typical working hours, when school is not in session. 

Given the site’s former industrial uses, there is a lot of work required to deliver the park. Works are being delivered progressively, with initial activities focused on: 

  • site remediation to remove contaminants from the soil
  • earthworks to prepare the site for construction
  • construction of the new seawall, featuring low-sloped surfaces with different sized rocks to support marine life to establish and flourish
  • Saltmarsh restoration at the northern tip of the peninsula
  • trenching for utilities and services to support new development 
  • construction of a permanent shared-use pathway (up to start of proposed relocated mixed-use development land) and a temporary shared-use pathway (from start of mixed-use development land to Burroway Road)
  • installation of lighting, grassed open space and temporary play facilities.

Works in 2023 included site remediation and initial earthworks.

In March 2024 we commenced our Saltmarsh restoration program. We also received approval from the Central Sydney Planning Panel to modify the existing development approval, which enables planning works on the park and shared open space to move forward.

Park construction is subject to government and statutory planning approvals. We are working to deliver the new park as efficiently as possible and greatly appreciate the community’s ongoing patience and understanding. 

Planned construction may be impacted by wet weather. Wentworth Point is low-lying and to safely continue construction, we may need to temporarily stop works after significant rain to allow time for the site to dry and be safe for heavy machinery.

The Saltmarsh on the northern tip of the Wentworth Point peninsula will be protected and restored. Like the rest of the site, previous industrial uses have impacted this area. We will rehabilitate this area by removing invasive weeds and planting Saltmarsh species. 

Our planned environmental restoration program for the Saltmarsh will occur over a few years and will include: 
•    clearing debris and rubbish that has floated into the site from the Parramatta River 
•    installing fencing to protect the Saltmarsh during works 
•    ongoing weed removal, targeting Spiny rush and other invasive species 
•    installing erosion controls  
•    planting more than 15,000 saltmarsh species, propagated from seeds and cuttings collected from the site 
•    ongoing maintenance, including monitoring and supporting healthy growth of new plants, and further weed removal as needed.  


The new high school at Wentworth Point is being delivered by School Infrastructure NSW. We are coordinating park construction with them to minimise any impacts to their works.  

Contact School Infrastructure NSW for more information about the new high school, or visit the project webpage here 

Email: schoolinfrastructure@det.nsw.edu.au   

Phone: 1300 482 651

In late 2020, the NSW Government announced that a new high school will be constructed at Wentworth Point next to the primary school, on land previously identified in the approved masterplan for mixed-use development, an access road and park.  

With the need for a new local high school to cater for the growing community, we have been working with landowner Transport for NSW and City of Parramatta Council to update plans for the precinct. To incorporate the new high school and shared open space alongside the park and access road, and still provide for much-needed housing, planning controls need to be adjusted with new approvals needed for the mixed-use development on another part of the site to where it was originally approved.

Yes, development at Wentworth Point was approved in 2014, including mixed-use development featuring approximately 520 apartments. 

Buildings up to 88m high (27 storeys) are currently allowed on site under existing planning controls. We are not proposing to increase the maximum building height. 

To incorporate the new high school and shared open space alongside the park and still provide for much-needed housing, we are proposing mixed-use development on another part of the site to where it was originally approved. Planning is continuing and the community will have an opportunity to comment on the mixed-use development proposal when it is placed on exhibition.

More information

For further information please contact:

1800 328 956


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If you require the services of an interpreter, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask them to call Landcom on 1800 328 956. The interpreter will then assist you with the translation.


Document Download
Project newsletter (December 2022)
Project newsletter (September 2022)
Project newsletter (June 2022)

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