19 July 2024

Masterplan revealed for 330-Home Future Precinct at Redmond Place Orange

Landcom and Orange City Council have completed a masterplan for a new residential precinct at Redmond Place, which will deliver 330 homes and create 5.3 hectares of recreational open space for the community.

The development will boost the supply of diverse housing types that are currently difficult to find in Orange – with duplexes, townhouses and low-rise apartments set to offer people greater choice and affordability. Importantly 20 per cent of homes will be set aside as affordable.

The plan has a focus on healthy living and amenity for the community with space for:

  • a family-oriented Northern Park featuring community gardens and a 600m²
    playground for children aged 0-12 years
  • a youth-focused Central Park will include a sports practice court and play
    equipment for older children
  •  a shared walking and cycling path connecting both parks to the southern wetlands,
    with fitness stations located along the route.

The masterplan and the rezoning proposal will be exhibited together.

The community will be invited to learn more about the new plans at several information sessions to be held in Orange in August.

Feedback was gathered earlier this year at workshops, through online surveys, and in meetings with local groups and stakeholders.

Subject to approval, construction on the first stage of the development is expected to commence in late 2026.

Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Paul Scully said:

“The release of the masterplan is an important milestone as we lay the groundwork which will help deliver housing, investment, and jobs for Orange

“It’s important we confront the housing crisis in regional NSW, and I’m pleased to see Landcom and Orange Council working in partnership, progressing on this project.

“As Orange continues to expand, more homes need to be delivered along with welldesigned public spaces that are the foundation of every successful community.”

Mayor of Orange Jason Hamling said:

“The release of the masterplan was a major step forward on the project.

“We have heard a lot from the community about what they want to see at Redmond Place and the masterplan delivers on that vision. The community want a mix of housing types and access to open space and natural areas. This is a new way to do development in Orange.”

Orange City Council Planning and Development Committee Chair Cr Jeff Whitton said:

“I am looking forward to the community learning more about what the project offers the city.

“We have still got a lot of work to do but the masterplan gives the community the first chance to really understand how this new suburb will be rolled out.”

Landcom CEO Alexander Wendler said:

“The masterplan will deliver a high-quality development with abundant open space and amenity that Landcom is renowned for.

“The great design outcomes seen here are the result of a detailed process supported by community ideas and feedback. I look forward to working with Council and the community as we progress with the project to deliver much needed housing.”

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