Conditional development approval for the project was obtained from the Hunter and Central Coast Joint Regional Planning Panel in late 2020, confirming Landcom had adequately addressed planning requirements. Additional approval is required from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water as the proposal impacts a threatened species listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
Landcom has been working with NSW Crown Lands and the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust to prepare a bushland management plan and other management strategies for the conservation area which covers 68 percent of the site.
These plans outline how Landcom will rehabilitate and protect the environmental and ecological values of vegetation and habitats during construction and into the future. As part of the planning process, three separate biodiversity assessments and several in-depth site investigations were carried out. These found no significant impact is likely to vulnerable flora and fauna with suitable mitigation measures in place. We are continuing to work with NSW Crown Lands and the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust to progress biodiversity impact mitigation measures for the project.
More information will be shared with the community as it becomes available.