An ecologist assessed the impact on plants and animals, including those identified by the community.
Buildings were also inspected before demolition. In the event any wildlife accesses a work area, work will be halted until the animal has left the work area, or a wildlife organisation has been contacted to help relocate the animal.
An arborist assessed the trees on site to identify their species, health, and significance in terms of maturity, height, life expectancy and retention value.
The turpentine trees on the western side of the site will be retained, along with other trees surrounding some of the new homes. Some trees will need to be removed during remediation works and others may require pruning to remove dead or diseased limbs. Measures to minimise the impact of works on trees, plants and animals include tree protection zones installed around trees during works in accordance with Council requirements, and mesh fencing to prevent wildlife from accessing work areas.
There will be extensive planting of native trees, shrubs and grasses within the new park and landscaped gardens, verges of the internal street, and along part of Hospital Road.
The ecology report and arborist report were submitted to Council as part of our subdivision development application.