Welcome to Camperdown

Improving choice for renters and buyers in Sydney's Inner West

The project

Landcom is proposing to transform the former WestConnex dive site in Camperdown with well-designed and well-located mixed-use development. 

Featuring approximately 500 apartments, with a mix of sizes, the project will improve housing supply, choice and affordability for renters and buyers. Two hundred built-to-rent apartments will be offered to essential workers at a discount to market rent, with the remaining apartments to be a mix of affordable rental housing and housing to buy. 

Future residents will have easy access to public transport, shops and services, while new ground-floor retail or commercial, landscaped outdoor spaces and pedestrian links will contribute to the neighbourhood’s amenity and vibrancy. 

The project is funded through the NSW Government’s $450 million investment into Landcom to deliver more than 400 build-to-rent homes for essential workers in metropolitan Sydney, closer to their jobs and services. 

Camperdown BTR mixed use render January 2025

Artist's impression of future mixed-use development


160‐168 Parramatta Road, Camperdown

Local council area

Inner West Council

Proposed homes

500 apartments, including 200 build-to-rent apartments for essential workers

Delivery timing

2025 to 2028 (pending approvals)


  • End of construction, pending approvals and weather
  • Essential workers expected to move in
  • Construction expected to begin, pending approvals
  • Site acquisition
  • Project planning begins
  • Community consultation to inform plans (early-mid 2025)
  • Plans expected to be submitted for approval (mid-late 2025)


Landcom is proposing to transform the former WestConnex dive site at Camperdown with well-designed, well-located mixed-use development featuring:

  • at least 200 build-to-rent units offered to essential workers like nurses, paramedics, teachers, police officers and firefighters at a discount to market rent, through a separate subsidy
  • approximately 300 units that will be a mix of affordable rental housing and housing to buy, with the ratio to be determined during planning
  • ground-floor retail or commercial, landscaped outdoor spaces and new pedestrian links that contribute to the neighbourhood’s amenity and vibrancy. 

To keep informed as the project progresses, sign up for email updates below. 

The former WestConnex dive site was identified through the NSW Government’s audit of surplus land for housing, with planned development optimising an unused site close to public transport, social infrastructure and major health and education employment hubs. 

As the site is zoned light industrial, it will need to be rezoned for proposed mixed-use development. 

Planning is underway with technical specialists to understand site opportunities and constraints to support the site’s rezoning and well-designed development.

Technical studies will cover local traffic and transport, urban design, landscape design, civil engineering and environmental assessments. 

Landcom is consulting Inner West Council and other government agencies to minimise impacts and achieve a great design outcome. Landcom will also consult neighbours, the wider community and other stakeholders as planning progresses.

Initial assessments show that local roads will have capacity for traffic generated by the development. As the site is well-located, future residents can also walk, cycle and use public transport to reach many nearby destinations. 

The number of private parking spaces will align with planning requirements, and firm up as planning progresses.

While building heights will be confirmed during detailed planning, the 1.1-hectare site is well-located near public transport and social infrastructure to support around 500 units across multiple buildings, which could be 10 or more storeys. 

Planning will consider overshadowing, privacy and views to deliver positive design outcomes on site and for neighbours. 

As the site is zoned light industrial, it will need to be rezoned to support proposed mixed-use development. 

Planning is underway with technical specialists to understand site opportunities and constraints to support the site’s rezoning and well-designed development. Neighbours, the wider community and stakeholders will be consulted as planning progresses. 

To streamline project delivery, Landcom aims to lodge an application to rezone the site and an application for the build-to-rent housing for essential workers with the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure in mid-2025. 

The Department will publicly exhibit these applications, during which time the community can make formal submissions.

Landcom will work with the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure to ensure fast planning approvals so that the first essential workers can move in around 2028. 

Pending approvals, construction of the build-to-rent housing for essential workers is expected to start in 2026, with the first essential workers expected to move in around 2028.

Landcom will work with contractors to minimise construction impacts and will keep neighbours informed with timely updates. The construction methodology will be determined when plans have been finalised. 

Once the site is rezoned, we will sell parts of the site planned for affordable rental housing and housing to buy. The future landowner will need to submit and receive approval of separate development applications before any construction can begin. 

Build-to-rent housing is designed and built to provide long-term rental homes, rather than sold to homebuyers, providing an alternative to home ownership.

Build-to-rent offers longer leases, often up to five years, which give tenants security of tenure. This helps renters avoid the 12-month “leasing cycle”, which can leave them looking for a new home every year. Annual rent increases are often locked in upfront, so tenants have financial security and know their rents will not escalate rapidly or unexpectedly.

Because of the longer-term tenancies, often many build-to-rent tenants are allowed to paint walls, hang pictures, keep pets and really set up home. They settle down, make new friends and build a sense of community.

At our Camperdown project, at least 200 build-to-rents will be offered to essential workers at a discount to market rent. These properties will be retained in government ownership, with details on how to apply and the rental subsidy made available closer to project completion.

Affordable rental housing caters to people on very low to moderate incomes. Rent is priced so tenants can afford other basic living costs such as food, clothing, transport, medical care and education. Affordable housing differs from social housing in that it is usually managed by a non-government organisation, like a private rental with eligibility criteria.

Our Camperdown project will feature a mix of affordable rental housing, housing to buy and build-to-rent apartments offered to essential workers at a discount to market rent.

Contact us

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If you require the services of an interpreter, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask them to call Landcom on 02 9841 8600. The interpreter will then assist you with the translation.

About Landcom

We develop land and property, increasing the supply of housing for the people of NSW.

As a state-owned corporation, we are a commercial business that achieves public outcomes while also generating financial returns for the NSW Government. We enable development by de-risking and unlocking strategic and complex sites in collaboration with landowners and the market.

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